Is AI Really Uncreative? DDB Launches Advertising Tool ‘The Uncreative Agency’

A first-of-its-kind AI tool that has seized the attention of the global marketing industry, garnering more than 12,000 users in the space of five days and widespread international coverage, has today been revealed as the brainchild of global creative network DDB.

‘The Uncreative Agency’ is the world’s first fully automated creative agency, powered by AI. The initiative launched on Friday 27th January and quickly caught the attention of marketers throughout the industry, with many users questioning who was behind it. Its popularity shows no signs of slowing, with two creative proposals currently being generated every minute.

The tool, created by George Strakhov, chief strategy officer at DDB EMEA and his team at NORD DDB, invites users to submit a simple one-sentence brief that generates a unique creative proposal in a matter of minutes – without any human input and zero budget. Whilst the quality of creative ideas produced certainly won’t have agencies quaking in their boots at present, they do show that the technology even in its nascent state, once embraced and nurtured by creative minds, will have the capacity to learn and develop into a very useful part of the creative process.

Read more here. 

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