Inside DDB Latina’s Award-Winning Creative Strategy

Before DDB Latina revamped its creative strategy, the agency network would walk away with an average of three Cannes Lions per year.

In 2021, DDB Latina was awarded 28 Lions.

The regional network of DDB Worldwide that represents Latinos in the U.S., Latin America and Europe, generated 51% of creative results for the global agency at Cannes in 2021. But to do so, the network had to generate a consistent strategy across all of its agencies including Africa, Fahrenheit DDB, DDB Spain and even in the U.S., said Juan Carlos Ortiz, president and creative leader of DDB Latin markets worldwide.

That was no easy feat. To develop award-winning creative across its network, DDB developed the “Bullseye strategy,” a rigorous creative benchmark used to evaluate creative across the network.

According to Ortiz, the strategy takes creative developed by local agencies and holds it up against the backdrop of the wider network. A council of chief creative officers from every Latin office gathers and evaluates the creative with the CEO, and gives feedback to the development team to improve the quality of the ideas.

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