Heroes of Today

A solution to end fan violence

DDB Spain | Heroes of Today

European football is experiencing a worrying increase in fan violence. It is an ever-growing breeding ground that has reached a dangerous peak in 2024. A group of major brands have decided to come together to combat this problem. The brief was to propose a solution to generate a conversation around it and achieve a change in behavior.

The idea was to replicate the model of women’s football to be as similar as possible to men’s football, as it records zero violent incidents. An idea that involved imitating all the things that made women’s football different: how its players communicate on social networks, how its users behave, what profile of fans go to the fields, and so on.

The idea served to give way to the purpose of all the brands that participated inthe project: to improve men’s football.

“The Imitation Game” obtained 201 million impressions and branded content was acquired by AMC Networks channels. The campaign initiated a change in social behavior among fans and served the purpose of the brands behind it: to improve men’s football.

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