Business Certifications

Here are the business certifications we accept.
MBE Minority Business Enterprise NMSDC
National Minority Supplier Development Council and affiliated regional councils
1 year Regional/National Fee
WBE Women Business Enterprise WBENC
Women’s Business Enterprise National Council and affiliated regional councils
1 year Regional/National Fee
VBE Veteran Business Enterprise NVDBC
National Veteran Business Development Council
1 year Based on Total Sales
California Public Utilities Commission CPUC
Supplier Clearing House & Utilities
3 years $0
US Pan Asian American Business Enterprise USPAACC
US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce
1 year $300
LGBTBE+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Business Enterprise NGLCC
National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
2 years Regional/National Fee
SBE Small Business Enterprise SAM
System Award Management
Small, Service-Disabled Veteran, 8(a), HUBZone, Woman, Disadvantaged
Varies by Business Category Regional/National Fee
State, City & Local Governments New York State
State NJ
State of Illinois
City of Chicago
3 years
3 years
2 years
3 years

For more information email us at [email protected]

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