
There’s more to sponsorship than meets the eye

DM9 | Consul

Brazilians care deeply about the football jersey. In recent years, to fend off economic problems, Brazilian football teams have turned to several sponsorship deals, sometimes adding up to 25 logos, ruining the iconic jersey design and leaving fans angry.

To launch our new line of washing machines, we found an opportunity to showcase our understanding of Brazilian’s love for the football jersey, bringing forward an idea that delivers on how Consul Washing Machines take better care of Brazilian’s most loved piece of clothing.

We sponsored Juventus, one of the most loved and traditional football clubs in Brazil. But our sponsorship deal was different. We bought all the spaces on the Juventus jersey and took every logo out, offering football fans a jersey clean of any visual interferences.

The Consul clean sponsorship is not a stunt. It’s a sponsorship deal for the entire 2024 season. So far, Juventus has played 20 games with the clean jersey.

+2300 brand mentions 400 brand love,
+28M earned media
+12% sales increase

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