Sheryl Marjoram on DDB’s Creative Index

WPP’s Creative Capital Index, launched last week, was greeted by many noting a similarity to DDB’s Creative Index revealed last year. However, Sheryl Marjoram, CEO of DDB Group Sydney, and Rose Herceg, ANZ president of WPP, told AdNews they are proud to be on the same page.

“Creative index Vs creative capital index. Nice build from DDB’s work!” However, while both indexes analyse the financial performance of creativity, they are different, Marjoram said.

“WPP’s is awesome which uses customer data. Ours uses market data and I think they sit beautifully together,” she said.

DDB’s Creative Index, built in conjunction with investment and advisory firm Jarden, aggregates Australia’s top creative companies using historical and live ASX share price data, from 2012 to now.

“Our industry requires and feeds off similar but the same products – so having similar, but different products in the same category can never be the problem, because that’s our lifeblood,” Marjoram said.

Check out the full article here.

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